Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/10927 Building control plan of bungalow and garage at 6 Grove Hill Road Dec 1938 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/10935-10936 Building control plans of garages on Grove Vale Dec 1938 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/10947-10948 Building control plans of sheds on Grove Hill Road 1938-1939 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/10966-10967 Building control plans of Hillcrest Road 1938 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/9491 Building control plan of brick flues at 2 Hilltop Crescent and 32, 50 and 66-70 Masefield Road Nov 1936 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/9734 Building control plan of Oakhill Road May 1937 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/11164-11169 Building control plans of Sandall Rise 1937-1939 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/11164 Building control plan of office at 16 Sandall Rise Sep 1937 Business Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/11094 Building control plan of 66-70 Chestnut Avenue and 2-4 Linkway Dec 1938 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/10987-10989 Building control plans of Hilltop Crescent 1938 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire

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