Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/10774 Building control plan of 29 Sandcliffe Road Dec 1937 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/10775-10782 Building control plans of Clifton Crescent 1937-1939 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/10783-10785 Building control plans of Crossways 1938-1939 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/10292-10296 Building control plans of Thornhill Avenue 1933-1937 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/10203 Building control plan of petrol pumps at Cawood Garage Aug 1937 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/10203 Building control plan of petrol pumps at Cawood Garage Aug 1937 Business Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/9862-9889 Building control plans of Sandall Rise 1933-1937 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/9879 Building control plan of Sandcliffe Road Apr 1936 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/10901-10904 Building control plans of Green House Road 1938 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/10918-10934 Building control plans of The Grove 1937-1939 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire

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