Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/LAKE/1 Chronicle of mayors 1493-1927 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/BW/F1/11 Chronological notes on English history from 1625-1637 early 19th century Schools England England
DD/WA/A10 Chronological table of events between 747BC and 607BC 1830s Other Records Egypt Egypt
DD/WA/A10 Chronological table of events between 747BC-607BC 1830s Other Records Judah Judah
DD/WA/A10 Chronological table of events in Babylon between 747BC-607BC 1830s Other Records Iraq Iraq
DD/WA/A10 Chronological table of events in Medea between 747BC-607BC 1830s Other Records Iran Iran
DY/BAG/5/16 Church [Postcard] early 20th century Photographs Roche Abbey South Yorkshire
P17/3/E8 Church and chapel yard 19th century Maps/Plans Sykehouse South Yorkshire
P60/10/23/16 Church and clergy 1837-2000 Photographs Rawcliffe East Yorkshire
DS/53/1/95 Church and Samuel Wesley's tomb 1920s-1930s Photographs Epworth Lincolnshire

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