Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/62250 Correspondence and draft agreement relating to land to be leased by the Reverend J.L. Newmarch 1850 Anglican Parish Misson Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/62250 Correspondence and draft agreement relating to land to be leased by the Reverend J.L. Newmarch 1850 Deeds Misson Nottinghamshire
P9/2/B11 Correspondence and papers from the Bounty Office and others relating to glebe land 1920-1938 Anglican Parish Misson Nottinghamshire
P9/2/B17 Letter relating to tenancy of land 1856 Estate Misson Nottinghamshire
P61/2/B5 Papers regarding the rent and proposed sale of glebe land 1893-1894 Anglican Parish Misson Nottinghamshire
P61/2/B7 Correspondence with Ecclesiastical Commissioners regarding glebe land 1899 Anglican Parish Misson Nottinghamshire
P/ARCH/1/16 File relating to registration of coal mining land belonging to the parish, with plan and extract of 1829 deed 1938-1945 Anglican Parish Misson Nottinghamshire
P/ARCH/1/16 File relating to registration of coal mining land belonging to the parish, with plan and extract of 1829 deed 1938-1945 Coal Mining Misson Nottinghamshire
DY/YBO/38 Agreements for supply of electricity to the works of the Yorkshire Brick Company Limited 1924-1937 Business Misson Nottinghamshire
DY/YBO/38 Agreements for supply of electricity to the works of the Yorkshire Brick Company Limited 1924-1937 Deeds Misson Nottinghamshire

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