Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/D/571-572 Conveyance of messuage and lands 24 Oct 1746 Deeds Whitley North Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/817 Abstract of title to lands 1698-1746 Deeds Whitley North Yorkshire
DD/BW/C1/12 Lease of lands 8 Jun 1775 Deeds Whitley North Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/6/15 Schedule and draft schedule of deeds and other items relating to the premises of Stilwell Brick Company 1885-1907 Deeds Whittlesey Cambridgeshire
DX/BAX/64562 Settlement of part of the manor 1850 Deeds Whittlesey Cambridgeshire
DX/BAX/64564 Schedule of deeds and other items relating to the estates of J.W. Childers 1850 Deeds Whittlesey Cambridgeshire
DX/BAX/64565 Schedule of title deeds relating to the Childers estates 1849 Deeds Whittlesey Cambridgeshire
DX/BAX/64566 Abstract of title to estates 1859 Deeds Whittlesey Cambridgeshire
DX/BAX/64571 Schedule of title deeds relating to the estate 1763-1841 Deeds Whittlesey Cambridgeshire
DX/BAX/64574 Lease of land 1812 Deeds Whittlesey Cambridgeshire

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