Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61241 Indenture of fine relating to part of the manor with its lands 1818 Deeds Whitgift East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61244/1-8 Miscellaneous deeds relating to Whitgift Hall 1818-1860 Deeds Whitgift East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61245 Conveyance of fee farm rent 1827 Deeds Whitgift East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61258 Lease of farm 1852 Deeds Whitgift East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61261 Final concord and other deeds relating to the estates of Thomas and Mary Coulman 1828-1851 Deeds Whitgift East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61264 Abstracts of title, draft conveyances and other items relating to the Coulman estates 1876 Deeds Whitgift East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/24/2/1 Settlement relating to lands 1820 Deeds Whitgift East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/24/2/3 Agreement for purchase of property 1826 Deeds Whitgift East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/24/2/12 Abstract of title to fee farm rents 1867 Deeds Whitgift East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/24/2/20 Conveyance of manor and Whitgift Hall estate 1876 Deeds Whitgift East Yorkshire

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