Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/D/94 Surrender of mortgage term on land 13 Feb 1779 Deeds Thorpe Marsh South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/95-96 Lease and release of lands Feb 1779 Deeds Thorpe Marsh South Yorkshire
DX/TB/9/1/4 Abstracts of title, conveyance and other items relating to land acquired to create a diversion of the River Don 1856-1951 Deeds Thorpe Marsh South Yorkshire
DX/TB/9/1/5 Abstract of title relating to land for a new drainage dyke 1954-1955 Deeds Thorpe Marsh South Yorkshire
DX/TB/9/1/7 Abstract of title and other items relating to land acquired for a power station 1883-1959 Deeds Thorpe Marsh South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/5/7 Draft agreement for sale and purchase of coal 14 Apr 1897 Deeds Thurnscoe South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61834/1-17 Title deeds to land 1631-1696 Deeds Thurnscoe South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/1/17 Draft declaration of trust and articles of partnership relating to land, coal and mineral seams, Chapel Lane and Lidgett Lane 30 Jan 1913 Deeds Thurnscoe South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/1/37 Draft articles of partnership for The Thurnscoe Land Company 14 Nov 1892 Deeds Thurnscoe South Yorkshire
P/ARCH/1/29 Copy deeds relating to coal mining 1909, 1926 Deeds Thurnscoe South Yorkshire

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