Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/DAW/8 Queen Victoria arriving at the Angel Hotel [Engraving] 1851 Photographs Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/DAW/8 Engraving of Queen Victoria arriving at the Angel Hotel 1851 Business Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/DAW/7 Queen Victoria leaving [Engraving] 1851 Photographs Doncaster, Railway Station South Yorkshire
DZ/DAW/7 Engraving showing Queen Victoria leaving 1851 Railways Doncaster, Railway Station South Yorkshire
DZ/DAW/4 Public Library and Newsroom [Watercolour] mid 19th century Photographs Doncaster, St George Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/DAW/4 Watercolour of Public Library and Newsroom mid 19th century County Borough Doncaster, St George Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/DAW/2-3 Cross [Drawings] 1764 Photographs Doncaster, Mill Bridge South Yorkshire
DZ/DAW/1 Wheatley Moor in 1595 1848 Maps/Plans Wheatley South Yorkshire
DZ/DAW Antiquarian collection of John Dawson, estate agent 1595-1891 Business Doncaster, St George Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/COLES/9 Lease of property on the west side 28 Feb 1739 Deeds Doncaster, High Street South Yorkshire

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