Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/FEN/6/19 Brochure for the 75th anniversary of St Andrew's Methodist church 1991 Publications Wheatley South Yorkshire
DZ/FEN/6/17 Harworth & Bircotes-Fifty Years 1974 Publications Bircotes Nottinghamshire
DZ/FEN/6/17 Harworth & Bircoates-Fifty Years 1974 Publications Harworth Nottinghamshire
DZ/FEN/6/16 Tickhill and the Railways in the First Half of the 20th Century 1980s Publications Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/FEN/6/16 Tickhill and the Railways in the First Half of the 20th Century 1980s Railways Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/FEN/6/15 Tickhill and the Doncaster Motorway 1980s Publications Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/FEN/6/14 Collections for the History of Tickhill IV, T.W. Beastall 1980 Publications Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/FEN/6/13 1851 census population map 1973 Census Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/FEN/6/13 1851 census population map 1973 Maps/Plans Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/FEN/6/12 Bawtry and the Idle River Trade, Derek Holland 1976 Publications Bawtry South Yorkshire

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