Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/MERRY/2/4 Sheets 45.8, 45.12, 45.16 1913 Ordnance Survey Goathland North Yorkshire
BT/356/21645 Sheet 32 1924 Ordnance Survey Goole East Yorkshire
BT/356/21645 Sheet 252.4 1906 Ordnance Survey Goole East Yorkshire
BT/356/30396 Sheet 79 1911 Ordnance Survey Goole East Yorkshire
BT/356/33037 Sheet 79 1911 Ordnance Survey Goole East Yorkshire
DD/WN/A12/12 Sheet 79 1895 Ordnance Survey Goole East Yorkshire
P39/2/B5 6 inch sheet showing glebe lands about 1854 Ordnance Survey Goole East Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 237.16 1907 Ordnance Survey Goole East Yorkshire
DY/GBF/7/9 6 inch annotated to show areas relating to coal prospecting early 20th century Ordnance Survey Gowdall East Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 251.3 1906 Ordnance Survey Gowdall East Yorkshire

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