Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/D/916 Final concord on messuages, cottages and tofts 1554 Deeds Penistone South Yorkshire
DZ/ML/1/5 Act for making lines to be called the South Yorkshire, Doncaster and Goole Railway 1847 Railways Penistone South Yorkshire
DY/GBF/10 Sheet 273 1854 Ordnance Survey Penistone South Yorkshire
SY/500/Z1/1 Turnpike Act 1740 Other Local Government Penistone South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61132 Fine relating to the manor 1688 Deeds Penford Staffordshire
DX/BAX/61132 Indenture of fine 1688 Manorial Penford Staffordshire
DD/COV/11/4 Lease of messuage Mar 1871 Deeds Pelow County Durham
DS/131/6/146-147 Widening of railway line 1920 Maps/Plans Peascliffe Lincolnshire
DS/131/6/146-147 Plans of widening of line 1920 Railways Peascliffe Lincolnshire
DY/STAN/5/38 Sale catalogues 1958-1982 Sales Catalogues Pateley Bridge North Yorkshire

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