Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/420/1 Photograph of Reverend Professor C.E. Whiting of Durham University at Stancil Roman villa 1938-1939 Schools Durham County Durham
DZ/MD/420/1 Reverend Professor C.E. Whiting of Durham University at Stancil Roman villa 1938-1939 Photographs Durham County Durham
DZ/MD/42/1-2 Abstract of title and conveyance of land 1852 Deeds Doncaster, St James Street South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/419 Card index based on research into printed and manuscript sources for the history of the borough in the 16th and 17th centuries 20th century Publications Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/419 Card index based on research into printed and manuscript sources for the history of the borough in the 16th and 17th centuries 20th century County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/418/7 Article on the installation of an inter-communication system in an old people's housing unit in Coronation Gardens 7 Apr 1960 Publications Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/418/7 Article on the installation of an inter-communication system in an old people's housing unit in Coronation Gardens 7 Apr 1960 Rural District Council Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/418/5 New apparatus being tested outside the fire station about 1952 Photographs Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/418/5 Photograph of new apparatus being tested outside the fire station about 1952 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/418/1 Correspondence and memoranda concerning the wartime fire guard inter-communication system 1943-1946 Military Doncaster South Yorkshire

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