Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P50/9/A3 Award 1 Jun 1775 Enclosure Pollington East Yorkshire
DZ/MD/471 Act 1772 Enclosure Pollington East Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/160/1/12 Valuation of lands 8 Nov 1853 Estate Pollington East Yorkshire
P50/2/B25 Cowick Internal Drainage Board rating assessments for glebe land 1932-1936 Land Drainage Pollington East Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/131/1 Dun Drainage Act 1831 Land Drainage Pollington East Yorkshire
DY/GBF/7/9 6 inch annotated to show areas relating to coal prospecting early 20th century Ordnance Survey Pollington East Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/160/1/12 Land 1853 Maps/Plans Pollington East Yorkshire
P74/3/E2 St John the Baptist and churchyard about 1960s Maps/Plans Pollington East Yorkshire
P74/3/E1 Alterations to chancel and choir stalls in St John the Baptist 1968 Maps/Plans Pollington East Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 251.7 1906 Ordnance Survey Pollington East Yorkshire

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