Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/COO/346 Bargain and sale with feoffment of lands 18 May 1636 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/274 Bond relating to lands 18 May 1636 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/288 Bargain and sale with feoffment of messuage and appurtenances 2 Jul 1636 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/256 Draft bargain and sale with feoffment of land and meadow in the Ings 14 Jan 1637 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/281 Bargain and sale with feoffment of land and meadow in the Ings 14 Jan 1637 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/267 Receipt and discharge regarding sale of meadow 14 Jan 1637 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/279 Quitclaim on messuage, cottage, lands and appurtenances 13 Jan 1636 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/265 Quitclaim on lands 22 Apr 1637 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/325 Grant of messuage and lands 5 Jan 1642 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/260 Exemplification of a final concord on messuage and lands 26 May 1647 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire

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