Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/ARCH/1/265a Area 1819 Maps/Plans Potteric Carr South Yorkshire
SY/147/A1 Internal Drainage Board records 1772-1968 [Microfilm] 1977 Land Drainage Potteric Carr South Yorkshire
SY/147/A1 Internal Drainage Board records 1772-1968 [Microfilm] 1977 Organisations Potteric Carr South Yorkshire
DS/131/6/172 Railway lands 1920 Maps/Plans Potter Heigham Norfolk
DS/131/6/172 Plan of lands 1920 Railways Potter Heigham Norfolk
DD/WA/P10 Letter commenting on the proposed increase in import duty on woollens 20 Aug 1841 Business Portugal Portugal
DS/14/3/7 Socialist Union (International) contacts and notes on political life 1978-1979 Organisations Portugal Portugal
DS/14/5/4 Conference notes 1977 Organisations Portugal Portugal
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 223.10 1909 Ordnance Survey Portington East Yorkshire
DX/TB/8/1/9 Sale particulars for a freehold estate 27 May 1852 Sales Catalogues Portington East Yorkshire

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