Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/TB/10/3/3 | Power of attorney appointed by the Rawcliffe Moss Litter Company | 19 Sep 1891 | Deeds | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
P50/9/A1 | Award | 13 Mar 1754 | Enclosure | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/97/1-2 | Award and map | 1754 | Enclosure | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/97/1-2 | Enclosure | 1754 | Maps/Plans | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/64346 | Accounts | 1769-1781 | Estate | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
P60/3/E12 | Drawing of Rawcliffe Hall | 19th century | Estate | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
P60/3/E12 | Photograph of the site of Rawcliffe Hall | 1994 | Estate | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/160/1/10 | Valuation of lands | 8 Nov 1853 | Estate | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
P60/10/3 | Assessments | 1744 | Land Tax | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
P60/10/4 | Assessments | 1760 | Land Tax | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
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