Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P71/7/33 Correspondence and papers relating to school charity land 1942-1954 Schools Maltby South Yorkshire
P71/7/37 Papers relating to forfeiture of mineral rights and investment of compensation money for coal holdings under school charity lands 1939-1945 Schools Maltby South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61395 Conveyance of property to provide a free school and charity for the poor 1704 Schools Misterton Nottinghamshire
SR/41 Council School log book 1915-1932 Schools Moorends South Yorkshire
DS/53/4/26 Postcard of Council Schools early-mid 20th century Schools Moorends South Yorkshire
SR/60 Council School records 1901-1977 Schools Moss South Yorkshire
SB/9/1 School Board records 1874-1897 Schools Moss South Yorkshire
DS/53/4/62 Postcards of the Grammar School and Girls' High School early-mid 20th century Schools Normanton West Yorkshire
NM/36/8/4 Methodist class book 1907-1926 Schools Norton South Yorkshire
DS/53/4/27 Postcard of Norton Schools early-mid 20th century Schools Norton South Yorkshire

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